
Welcome to Novartis Pharmacovigilance Intake

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What is a side effect?

A side effect is any unintended medical occurrence in a patient who has been given a pharmaceutical product that may or may not have been caused by treatment with the product. A side effect can therefore be any unfavorable and unintended sign, symptom, or disease associated with the use of the product.

Why report side effects?

By reporting side effects for Novartis products you help us to ensure the safety of our products and our patients. Your information will also enable Novartis to fulfill its reporting responsibilities to health authorities, which requires that we provide information on side effects with our products - even in cases where a relationship between the product and the effect is not established.

How to report side effects?

To report the side effects electronically please click below: This website is to be used for reporting Adverse Events for Novartis products. Please use Sandoz AE reporting link in the footer for AE reporting on Sandoz products